3 Day kitchari Cleanse
SYDNEY I’m cooking, delivery and preparing this cleanse for you :)
3-Day Cleanse Sydney - Total of 9 Meals (Organic FOOD)
Including Kitchari cleanse information eBook, copper tongue scraper, detox Tea 100gram, shodana Vati tablets (detoxifying preparation) - a total of 20 tablets, email support each day of cleanse + WhatsApp group support during the cleanse. Delivery included - eastern suburbs surroundings (outside of this area additional charge).
Kitchari is known as a cleansing food in Ayurveda. Kitchari is known for how easy it is to digest and how it improves your Agni which is known as our digestive fire. This 3-day cleanse is a great way to move into spring by eliminating any excess Kapha/toxins which have accumulated over the winter months. Will move excess fat, water retention, fatigue & any stagnation in the body to create more energy, lightness, and overall vitality throughout the system.
Offering couple packages if delivery is same address + intro pack + cleanse & purge package