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OCTOBER Kitchari Cleanse - Sydney

3 Day kitchari Cleanse

Kitchari is known as a cleansing food in Ayurved and known for how easy it is to digest and how it improves your Agni which is known as our digestive fire.

This 3-day cleanse is a great way to move into spring by eliminating any excess Kapha/toxins which have accumulated over the winter months. Will move excess fat, water retention, fatigue & any stagnation in the body to create more energy, lightness, and overall vitality throughout the system.

Kitchari 3-Day Cleanse - Total of 9 Meals (Organic Cleanse).

Including Kitchari cleanse information eBook, copper tongue scraper, detox Tea 100gram, shodana Vati tablets (detox support), email support each day of cleanse, delivery included = eastern suburbs surroundings (outside of this area additional charge).

The cleanse starts on the Sunday before the cleanse delivering your first Monday morning meal. The next delivers will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday lunch times.

29 September

AYURVEDIC cooking workshop

29 April